
The code of conduct:

  • Intends to promote godly behaviour, to correct wrong doing and to deter further unacceptable behaviour
  • Prepares pupils for adulthood
  • Provides the basic structure for a happy school community
  • Aims to establish a safe and secure environment
  • Ensured disciplined behaviour which is essential for the well being of the school and the successful achievement of the school objectives
  • Endorses the basic rights of teachers to teach and maintain an orderly learning environment and the rights of pupils to learn in a secure non threatening environment
  • Aims at promoting a climate of mutual self- respect, self- discipline and responsible behaviour
  • Ensures that disciplinary action will be fair, appropriate and consistently applied
  • Ensures that in changing times the school is able to maintain a high standard of discipline in keeping with Biblical; principles and standards.

Parent accountability

  • The bible commands parents to teach their children and the school does not take this responsibility away.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their children conduct themselves in and outside of the school situation according to Christian principles of controlled, courteous and correct behaviour. The school will work in partnership with parents to develop Godly character in children.
  • Parents should be involved in the studies of their children, participate in each and every event in order to show support for their children.
  • The school will contact parents whenever a child’s behaviour becomes cause of concern and will Endeavour, in a spirit of constructive partnership to resolve the problem. The parents however remain the persons ultimately responsible for ensuring that their child meets the disciplinary standards required by the school and the Management Board.
  • Parents must, on seeking admission for their children at Lesedi disclose all relevant information regarding any previous discipline, learning or behavioural problems. If this is not done and problems arise, the school reserves the right to request that the pupil be removed.

Expectations (equivalent to the school rules)

If as a school, we were to formulate rules for every possible student misdemeanor, the resulting document would d be long, cumbersome and would always leave loopholes. Instead of focusing on the do’s and don’ts, we present our expectations, which with the help of the Holy Spirit and by working in close partnership with the home and church, we all strive to meet.

Our expectations of all at Lesedi are based on Jesus’ teaching in Mathew 22: 37- 39. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with your entire mind, and with all your soul. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with your entire mind:

  • We worship God . He is more important than any person or possession. We take time to focus on God, participate in worshipping Him and leaving His word.
  • Because God’s Name is holy, we do not use His name in swearing or in any other unlawful manner. We speak to Him and about Him in a loving way.
  • We would expect no profanity, obscenity in word or action, or dishonour the Word of God.
  • We learn to submit to God by submitting to the authority of parents, teachers, and others whom God has placed over us. We honour our parents and we require courtesy and obedience to staff.

Love your neighbour:

We expect love to our neighbours’ to be:

  • Truthful– we always tell the truth in a loving way. Do not copy other people’s work
  • Honest– It is wrong to take anything that does not belong to us- we may not steal
  • Kind– our thoughts, words and actions must be free from hatred or hurting others in any way. Instead, we expect consideration, tolerance, friendliness and forgiveness. We do not use nasty names to call other children. No bulling, fighting, physical or verbal assault, victimization or intimidation
  • Respectful– we show respect to all our staff members, students, peers and younger children. Respect includes:

Greeting adults, especially visitors to the school, helping and serving others, being punctual for all lessons, assemblies and school events, talk only when permission is given in class, do not disturb others in class, no insubordination or disregard of legitimate instructions/ requests by those in authority.

  • Pure– our thoughts, words and actions should be clean. Use good language
  • Contend– we are thankful to God for all He has given and we seek to be good stewards of facilities and property. We do not scratch the tables, desks and chairs. We do not write on walls.

Love yourself

  • We recognize that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we do not damage the temple by smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs.
  • We do not eat during lessons
  • We show self- respect by:

Wearing our uniform correctly- (no caps and shirts should be tucked in at all times)

Girls must wear small earrings (nops) and long hair must always be tied with a ribbon.

Skirts must always be just a little above the knee and not shorter than that.

No make- up will be allowed on learners, only plain coloured lipgloss is allowed

Maintain a high standard of work in our studies. This includes:

Completing and timorously submitting all class work and homework to the best of our abilities, having all required books and stationery in class. Our work is tidy all the time. Our books are neat and covered. Participating in physical training and showing good sportsmanship.

Disciplinary measures that might be taken in case of the above expectations not met

Corporal punishment is strictly prohibited however the Bible states that the heart of a child is full of folly and as a result discipline shows love. These disciplinary measures are usually taken by teachers and they include:

  • Verbal warning
  • Correction slips
  • Extra work
  • Small manual tasks
  • Break detention
  • Afternoon detention- must be communicated to parents for the sake of transport
  • Conferences with pupils (one on one)manual tasks which contribute to the school environment or equipment
  • Conference with pupil and a team of teachers
  • Suspension from some school related activities- such as extra mural activities
  • Daily or weekly report
  • Referral to outside professional agency

Discipline must be done in love, must show the holiness of God and His love and forgiveness for sinners.


Awards and Merits

Due to the Christian nature of the school, Lesedi La Ditshaba Christian School will not give any awards to learners.

  • All learners must be taught and know that they are important and created equally by the living God.
  • All learners must do well not be because of eminent rewards, to please others or be praised but for the glory of the Lord.
  • All learners must be allowed to use the gifts that they have and none should be taught that they are better than others.